SLAVČEK - Damjan Murko (MIDI)

Change the key of the song in semitones. Within 1 day we will prepare song in selected key and send it via e-mail.
To insert a pre-beat in midi, check the box. We will prepare a song with an included pre-beat within 1 day and send it to your email.

This product is distributed electronically .

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Damjan Murko

Vsebina: MIDI datoteka

Besedilo: DA

Lyrics: DA

Pilot: DA (4.steza)

Št. stez: 13

Takt: 2/4

Dolžina: 3:20

Predogled na: 0:00

Tempo: 130 BPM

Fadeout: NE

Midi Standard: GM

Midi Type: 0

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